1. You make book an appt by text or email at : 949-343-1944
  2. Subject line : Interested in booking brow/lip appt
  3. Please include clear photos (front and both side profiles) of your face without makeup. Please use natural lighting/no filters when taking the photos.
  4. If you have had previous permanent makeup, this may affect whether or not you can book depending on how pigmented your current tattoo is.
  5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, please refer to the list of contraindications below. Please indicate in your text/email if any are applicable to you as this may affect your ability to get permanent makeup:

-under 18 years old
-Pregnant or Nursing
-any transmittable blood related diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS.
-Currently receiving Chemotherapy or Radiation
-Accutane within the past year
-history of hyperpigmentation
-prone to keloid scars
-known allergies to tattoo pigments
-eczema/psoriasis/unknown rashes in the desired treatment area
-blood thinning medications
-Botox or fillers within 4 weeks of service

-Autoimmune disease(s)


  1. We accept Cash, Zelle, and Venmo. If Venmo is used, there will be a 3% transaction fee added to your final total.


  1. Because individual results vary due to skin type and aftercare there are NO guarantees offered for your final result.

Make the first step...